...clothes, fashion in general. When I flip through a magazine a beautiful photo can give me chills, and a brilliant outfit can inspire me. I guess this is the reason I blog about fashion and photography. I want everyone to feel this way about the phenomenon that is fashion.
Recently a photo on lookbook inspired me to learn to sew my own skirts:
When I saw this photo I imediately wanted this outfit. When I went to get the information, she said she made the skirt herself..... Guess what now I wanna sew my own skirts! I think it would be a ton of fun. She also made this necklace, (she's a very talented young lady) & I'm in love with it as well. I used to make jewelry, and this pushed me to start again. Recently a photo on lookbook inspired me to learn to sew my own skirts:
When I was looking for the picture above again, so I could out it on my blog I found this:

Freaking gorgeous picture. It stopped me in my tracks. I want this outfit, and I want to take a picture like this. This picture is one that sends chills down by spine and inspires me. If you don't have something that inspires you daily, I'm sorry. My life is never boring because I'm constantly seeing the world around me and wanting to improve my skills, and try new things.
I'm sorry for the super random blog today, but hopefully your inspired... I really love that word right now. I will leave you with this brilliant quote, from someone I wouldn't have expected it out of.
Artists are just regular people who dream in the daylight. - Ashton Kutcher

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