Friday, January 29, 2010

Love, Love, and More Love

I am absolutely in love with love! Lately I have just sat around on the computer starring at my engagement and wedding photo filled screen. (Did that even make since? I don't think so.) I have also filled my mind with cute love poems.
I realized Valentines Day is only a few weeks away, and although I do not have a "honey" to spend it with, I don't care and am super excited for it to roll around! I will be checking all my favorite blogs seeing how other people are decorating their houses for Valentines Day, and shall pass the information along! (: I just re-read these paragraphs and it sounds kind of pathetic ha. Anyway back to the wedding and engagement photos.
I constantly sit on the computer and find my favorite photos off of Green Wedding Shoes, Style Me Pretty, and Frenchie and Flea. I already put some photos up off of Green Wedding Shoes so you should go check them out in my archive!
I decided that I want to take some couple photos, so if you know anyone who would want that comment, email, text, facebook, whatever just let me know! Well that's pretty much all I have to say for today so until next time!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Have a Blog?

So even though I have had my blog for what seems like forever now, it hasn't really hit me. But the other day I realized I have this thing, on the internet to share my thoughts, and it's public. I came to this realization when i was looking at my favorite blog ( and they had music on their blog. I then thought, If I had a blog I would have some sick indie music on that thing! Then I realized I do have a blog! Then I was hit with the fact that no one reads this thing so it wouldn't matter if i had sick, indie music on it, but I'm putting a music player on here anyway.

Saturday I went to the Mesa Historic District Home Tour, wow that's a mouth full! I thought all the houses were magnificent, but there was one house that I fell in love with! It was modern mixed with vintage. Now if you are interested in home design you know this is a very hard thing to pull off, but this home owner did it beautifully! I will post pictures soon!

I found my new favorite photography blog, and because of this blog, I have already started planning my wedding... I'm still in high school! The blog is It is a blog full of wedding and engagement photos that are absolutely gorgeous and flawless in every way! Some of my favorite photos are posted below!

Anyway there a millions more I could post but I won't, you'll just have to go look at the blog yourself! (:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fashion Icons

I feel like there are so many people in the media industry that could be looked up to as fashion icons, past and present. Obviously people like Coco Chanel, Marylin Monroe, and Audrey Hepburn were fashion icons of the past and even the present. No matter who you are you cannot deny that they are fashion icons! But nowadays, depending on who you are and where you came from, you have different fashion icons then other people. Like my sister idolizes Nancy Drew and Audrey Hepburn, where as I look up to Florence Welch, Miley Cyrus (Yes that's right, Miley Cyrus!), Rachael McAdams, and some of my friends. The reason each of these people are fashion icons is because they know who they are and wear what they like.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Got Through... Just Barely

So I got through the holiday season just barely, and on top of that we have moved. Life has been crazy busy but I got through with my fashion magazines and camera. Since the last time I wrote, I have done four photo shoots, and got a new camera, a Nikon D80! I'm in love with it. It is my baby and have hardly been able to put it down since I got it! Problem is I am now $270 in debt! So I have set up a plan to do $25 photo shoots between last week and February 7th. I did two Monday and they turned out great. I am in the process of editing them right now. 

Our new house is adorable, but needs some work. I love it but it doesn't feel like home yet. How long does it usually take for people to feel at home in their new houses? Because I feel like it's taking quite a long time. Anyway, our new house is yellow with a white picket fence, and has a cute porch with a porch swing. The swing is my new favorite place, and my new favorite activity? Grapefruit softball! We have two grapefruit trees at our new house and the old owner left a baseball bat at the house, so me and my friend decided to start playing grapefruit softball! 

While I've been away from blogging I've not only been keeping up with fashion and photography but also home design and late night shows! is one of my new favorite blogs! Allegra and Emily are geniuses when it comes to.... well just about everything! I love their blog and would most definitively recommend it! 

When it comes to fashion, this winter season, I have been obsessed with scarves! Just ask anyone. My friends think that I'm crazy and my mom even told me that people were going to think I was weird if I kept wearing my favorite scarf every day. I also have loved wearing my boots, and bought my first skirt in years! Yes that's right folks I haven't worn a skirt in years! I have worn a dress I think 3 times in the past couple of years and decided to bring back a little more femininity into my wardrobe. Forever 21 is still one of my favorite stores, along with Anthropology, and Urban Outfitters! Heritage by Forever 21 has become yet another one of my addictions, yes just another one to add to my loooonngg list of things I'm addicted to! (: Anyway I can't wait for spring and am planning on buy a sundress... maybe, and am excited to see what it holds! 

Well I think that's all the gaps that need to be filled for now! So until tomorrow... hopefully.